software / programming


Today's everyday life would be unimaginable without software.

From the automated control of private homes to complex processes in the industry.


Intelligent digital concepts optimize business procedures and contribute to making analog processes and machine technology more economical.

We offer sophisticated solutions that meet even the highest demands: In this way, we strive for sustainable success with maximum efficiency for our users.


 We take over the development of software and visualization of your systems.

 We enable you to operate your systems simply.

We work with and maintain the following systems: 

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Elektro- und Automatisierungstechnik

Hüttenbruchstraße 5

D-57482 Wenden-Altenhof

Tel. +49 (0) 2762 - 988 92 91

Fax +49 (0) 2762 - 988 92 98