Control cabinet construction

Take your production to the next level with us!

Suitable for all types of industrial applications


Electrical, pneumatic or combined:

We implement the concept created for you in control cabinet construction for the entire range of services.


After commissioning, we also offer you maintenance. In this way, you can be sure that your systems will continue to operate with maximum performance and quality in the long term.



Quality and expertise - the key to success


The performance and reliability of a control cabinet is not only determined by the technical expertise of the manufacturer, but also by the quality and the manufacturing process.


HOF-Automation's focus is on no-compromise quality for components and software. This is the only way to guarantee products of highest performance and maximum reliability.






Solutions that meet your needs


We support you from the planning and design of innovative solutions that meet your needs and requirements, through production, to testing and maintenance.


We deliver our products to your factory. Once there, we will be happy to assist you with installation and commissioning.

 Because we love challenges


 Would you like to get an overview of our solutions? Do not hesitate and contact us without obligation. Together, we will work out a concept that will get the maximum out of your processes. 


Whether solely electric, pneumatic or a combination of both.


You got the challenge - We work out the solution

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Elektro- und Automatisierungstechnik

Hüttenbruchstraße 5

D-57482 Wenden-Altenhof

Tel. +49 (0) 2762 - 988 92 91

Fax +49 (0) 2762 - 988 92 98